Scott and Emma.
They enjoy each other immensely.
They hunt.
Movie watch.
They archery.
They play.
They wrestle and joke.
And lovingly call each other names.
Like Butt head.
Which is fine.
Unless you have a little sister around.
One who might or might not repeat the word at school.
Church school!
(all in fun of course)
To tame their wild fun without killing it I suggested they use initials.
Like 'B-H'.
So they did, for a long time.
Then one day I realized 'B-H' sounds an awful lot like "BiAT*h"
...are you with me here?
So Miss Emma had her wisdom teeth removed early this summer.
Scott took her.
"It all went well" they told him, "she's awake."
"You can come back and see her now."
So he did.
He walked in the room.
She looked up at him, smiled and proclaimed,
"Hellooo B-H!"
The nurse told him to go get the car.
I've been going to Dr. Smith since age 14,
but I'm not sure I can go back now.
Thanks to Scott.
And Emma.
And Emma.